Articles Pro

Import Joomla! articles within your page.

Basics Settings

Date Publishing Settings
Set the Start Publishing and Finish Publishing dates. This will cause the ui/Theme-Builder component to only be published for the specified time period. If you use both the Start Publishing and the Finish Publishing, the ui/Theme-Builder component will show up only between the beginning date and the ending date.
Start Publishing
If you only set the Start Publishing and not the Finish Publishing, Joomla! will begin displaying the ui/Theme-Builder component on the beginning publishing date given but it will never stop showing the component.
Finish Publishing
If you only set the Finish Publishing and not the Start Publishing, Joomla! will show the ui/Theme-Builder component as soon as you have turned it on and will stop showing the component once the ending publishing date has been reached.
Define a name to easily identify this element inside the Theme-Builder.
Select one of the following options to show the element for screens larger than the specified width.
Select one of the following options to hide the element from screens larger than a specified width.
Define one or more class names for the element. Separate multiple classes with spaces.
ID Selector for the element.

Title Settings

Title Show
When set to 'Yes', this option will enable component title in front-end.
Leave this field blank to style all article titles. If you use your own title here, all article titles of all articles displayed will be replaced by a main title. (only Standart Post Format)
Title HTML Tag
Choose a HTML-Tag for the title.
Font Size
Set Title font size for this selector.
Font Weight
Set Title font weight for this selector.
Title Style
Choose a title style modifier.
Title Color
Choose a Title color.

Article Settings

Article Resource
Choose Article Resource. K2* or Joomla articles. *(only Articles Pro Component)
Available Joomla! or K2 Categories.
Include sub categories
Yes or No
Filter by Tags? (only Articles Pro Component)
All items from this tag will be appear automatically. Works only with joomla tags.
Article Limit
Select the number of articles to be displayed.
Article Ordering
Ordering Articles.
Articles Card style
Select a Card style.
Articles Alignment
Choose a type of alignment for articles.
Use Filter?
Yes or No. Works only with post format 'Card Style' and 'Standard'. The article must have joomla tags.
Show Intro?
Yes or No.
Article Intro Limit
Set the characters limit for article intro text. Don't use HTML-Tags in your articles. (Articles Pro Component can shorten their articles with HTML-Tags.)
Show Date?
Yes or No.
Show Category?
Yes or No.
Show Tags?
Yes or No. Works only with joomla articles.
Show Autor?
Yes or No.
Show 'read more' Button?
Yes or No.
Grid: Match height
Yes or No.
Grid Gutter
The Grid component comes with a default gutter that is decreased automatically from a certain breakpoint usually on a smaller desktop viewport width.
Tablet Grid Settings
Select a Element Width for Tablets
Desktop Grid Settings
Select a Element Width for Desktop
TV's Grid Settings
Select a Element Width for TV's

Post Format Settings

Card Style or Slider or Standard
Select a format for how the article should be displayed.

Style Settings

Addon Padding
Choose a padding for the component.

Animation Settings

Scrollspy Animation
The Scrollspy component listens to page scrolling and triggers events based on the scroll position. For example, if you scroll down a page and an element appears in the viewport for the first time, you can trigger a smooth animation to fade in the element.
Use Box Parallax Animation?
Yes or No. (Learn more)