Import Joomla! articles within your page.
Basics Settings
- Date Publishing Settings
- Set the Start Publishing and Finish Publishing dates. This will cause the ui/Theme-Builder component to only be published for the specified time period. If you use both the Start Publishing and the Finish Publishing, the ui/Theme-Builder component will show up only between the beginning date and the ending date.
- Start Publishing
- If you only set the Start Publishing and not the Finish Publishing, Joomla! will begin displaying the ui/Theme-Builder component on the beginning publishing date given but it will never stop showing the component.
- Finish Publishing
- If you only set the Finish Publishing and not the Start Publishing, Joomla! will show the ui/Theme-Builder component as soon as you have turned it on and will stop showing the component once the ending publishing date has been reached.
- Label
- Define a name to easily identify this element inside the Theme-Builder.
- Show
- Select one of the following options to show the element for screens larger than the specified width.
- Hidden
- Select one of the following options to hide the element from screens larger than a specified width.
- Class
- Define one or more class names for the element. Separate multiple classes with spaces.
- ID
- ID Selector for the element.
Title Settings
- Title Show
- When set to 'Yes', this option will enable component title in front-end.
- Title
- Leave this field blank to style all article titles. If you use your own title here, all article titles of all articles displayed will be replaced by a main title. (only Standart Post Format)
- Title HTML Tag
- Choose a HTML-Tag for the title.
- Font Size
- Set Title font size for this selector.
- Font Weight
- Set Title font weight for this selector.
- Title Style
- Choose a title style modifier.
- Title Color
- Choose a Title color.
Article Settings
- Article Resource
- Choose Article Resource. K2* or Joomla articles. *(only Articles Pro Component)
- Category
- Available Joomla! or K2 Categories.
- Include sub categories
- Yes or No
- Filter by Tags? (only Articles Pro Component)
- All items from this tag will be appear automatically. Works only with joomla tags.
- Article Limit
- Select the number of articles to be displayed.
- Article Ordering
- Ordering Articles.
- Articles Card style
- Select a Card style.
- Articles Alignment
- Choose a type of alignment for articles.
- Use Filter?
- Yes or No. Works only with post format 'Card Style' and 'Standard'. The article must have joomla tags.
- Show Intro?
- Yes or No.
- Article Intro Limit
- Set the characters limit for article intro text. Don't use HTML-Tags in your articles. (Articles Pro Component can shorten their articles with HTML-Tags.)
- Show Date?
- Yes or No.
- Show Category?
- Yes or No.
- Show Tags?
- Yes or No. Works only with joomla articles.
- Show Autor?
- Yes or No.
- Show 'read more' Button?
- Yes or No.
- Grid: Match height
- Yes or No.
- Grid Gutter
- The Grid component comes with a default gutter that is decreased automatically from a certain breakpoint usually on a smaller desktop viewport width.
- Tablet Grid Settings
- Select a Element Width for Tablets
- Desktop Grid Settings
- Select a Element Width for Desktop
- TV's Grid Settings
- Select a Element Width for TV's
Post Format Settings
- Card Style or Slider or Standard
- Select a format for how the article should be displayed.
Style Settings
- Addon Padding
- Choose a padding for the component.
Animation Settings
- Scrollspy Animation
- The Scrollspy component listens to page scrolling and triggers events based on the scroll position. For example, if you scroll down a page and an element appears in the viewport for the first time, you can trigger a smooth animation to fade in the element.
- Use Box Parallax Animation?
- Yes or No. (Learn more)