ui/Theme-Builder Lite...

ui/Theme-Builder Lite free for Joomla 5

The initial release candidate version of Joomla! 5 was launched on October 17, 2023. RC1 is specifically designed for extension and template developers, encouraging them to engage with this release to prepare their extensions for the stable release of Joomla! v.5.0.

You can find the official announcement regarding this Joomla! release here.

Prior to downloading, installing, and utilizing this software (ui/Theme-Builder Lite), please thoroughly review the terms of the following license agreement Terms & Conditions Joomla! Extensions .

There were some compatibility issues compared to the previous Beta version of Joomla! 5, which have been promptly addressed.
Now, we are pleased to announce:

  • pkg ui/Theme-Builder v1.5.1 Lite
    • com_uithemebuilderlite v1.7.1
    • mod_uithemebuilderlite v1.2.0
    • uiThemeBuilder (Site Template) v1.6.0

An administrator template has been added to the Lite and Pro packages to facilitate the integration of all scripts and styles. It enables administrators to easily manage all necessary resources, ensuring seamless integration of the ui/Theme-Builder Lite and Pro into the Joomla! environment.

Installation requirements

  • Joomla 5.0.1
  • PHP 8.2
  • MySQL 8.0.13+
  • MariaDB 10.4+
  • PostgreSQL 12+
The ui-atum template is no longer included in the package (pkg_uithemebuilderlite_v1.5.1_joomla_5.0.3-INSTALL). It must be downloaded and installed separately.

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Terms & Conditions

