Custom Columns, Navbar Pro and UIkit Version

Update for ui/Theme-Builder Pro: Custom Columns, Navbar Pro and UIkit Version

We are excited to announce the latest update for our Joomla component, which brings a range of new features and improvements to enhance your website's functionality and user experience. Here's a quick rundown of what's new:

Add Custom Columns to dropdown Menu Links

You can now add custom columns to your dropdown menu links, giving you more control over the way your website navigation appears. This feature is particularly useful for larger websites with complex menu structures.

Change Navbar Pro Component

We have made significant changes to the Navbar Pro component, including new options for styling and customization. This component provides a sleek and modern navigation bar for your website, with advanced features such as mega menus and mobile responsiveness.

Update UIkit to Version 3.16.9

We have updated the UIkit framework to its latest version (3.16.9), which brings various bug fixes and performance improvements. This framework powers our uithemebuilder template, which provides a clean and responsive layout for your website.

Update to Template Version 1.4.3 and ui/Theme-Builder Pro Version v1.1.6

We've changed the syntax for loading modules in the template menu section. As a result, we recommend updating both the template and the component to the latest versions (1.4.3 and v1.1.6, respectively) to ensure compatibility and optimal performance.

We hope that you enjoy these new features and improvements, and as always, we welcome your feedback and suggestions for future updates.

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