- + New SVG Background placeholder '[TEXT]' and '[FONT_SIZE]'
- + SVG Backgrounds
- + New SVG Background Color placeholder
- + image pro component load svg files
- ^ 404 error page
- # default article
- # mod_uithemebuilder language
- ! UIkit update to 3.5.3
- + New SVG Background
- ^ php code for all components
- # article pagination
- + SVG Backgrounds for Sections and some Components
- + Ajax Contact Form Pro Bad Word Filter, Timeout and "Do not allow links."
- + image Pro "Gradient Overlay" and add "Image Link"
- + disable/enable sections
- # body background
- + svg divider "Tree" for sections and media card pro
- + contact modal option
- + navbar absolute settings
- ^ mod_uithemebuilder output
- + svg admin preview
- + svg Title/Subtitle for Sections
- + parallax settings for Section Title, Text Block Pro Component
- # admin-style.css
- ! UIkit update to 3.4.0
- + svg masks for image pro component
- + svg divider "Drop" for sections and media card pro
- + section parallax settings
- + ajax contact pro component
- # admin-style.css
- # subnav dubble css classes
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